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Logo of the WVU Cancer Institute.
Upcoming Events week of Dec. 3 - Dec. 9

Dec 4

Graduate & Postdoc Book Club - 5 p.m., Black Bear Evansdale

Dr. Clay Marsh
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

HSC Library workshop - 12-1 p.m., LC2

Making Manuscript Submission Descions

Dec 5

CCB Student Forum – 12-1 p.m., 201 Erma Byrd

Brenen Papenberg

Evening of Science: Focus on Neurotechnology – 4-6 p.m., 2940B Health Sciences North

Doctoral Dissertation Defense - 9 a.m., 2115 HSC

Steve Markwell, PhD Candidate
"Cortactin Phosphorylation by Casein Kinase 2 Regulates Actin Related 2/3 Complex Activity and Invadopodia Function”

Dec 6

Blood Drive - 12-5 p.m., MBRCC Atrium (Pre-registration recommended)

WVU Medicine and Health Sciences to host holiday celebration for faculty and staff - 2-4 p.m., The Market

(A second event for night shift employees is set for Wed., Dec. 12 from 1 to 3 a.m. in the Ruby Cafeteria)

WVU Cancer Institute Studies New Treatment For Colorectal Cancer Using Novel Drug Combination

Dr. Richard M. Goldberg, director of WVU Cancer Instittute standing on the stairs at WVU HSC.
Richard Goldberg, the director of WVU’s Cancer Institute and the Laurence S. and Jean J. DeLynn Chair of Oncology, is researching a new drug combination to treat colorectal cancer. A recent study he conducted with an international team of scientists suggests the combination may halt the cancer’s progression longer than conventional treatments do. 

WVU Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology expands to include new oncologists, genetic counselor

5 WVU Medicine Gynecology Oncology staff seated.
WVU Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology has experienced remarkable growth over the last two years. By increasing its team of gynecologic oncologists and adding a nurse practitioner, physician assistant, and genetic counselor, the department has expanded its capability to serve gynecologic cancer patients.

Health Sciences Faculty Asked To Review Proposed BOG Governance Rule 1.4

All Health Sciences faculty members are requested to review a proposed Board of Governors Rule currently in a 30-day comment period: WVU Governance Rule 1.4 on Ethics, Conflict of Interest, and Outside Consulting.

As this is a rule that impacts all faculty, especially those who engage in outside consulting or entrepreneurial activities, all are encouraged to review the proposed rule before the comment period elapses. While this is a “public comment” period and is therefore open to everyone, the intent is to seek constructive comments from faculty during this period.

The review period for the proposed rule closes on December 12.  

Please visit the website for proposed rules: https://policies.wvu.edu

Hall presents poster at ASCO Palliative and Supportive Care in Oncology Symposium

Sam Hall, NP, with her poster presentation.
Samantha Hall, Nurse Practitioner, WVU Cancer Institute Hematology/Oncology team member with her poster at the recent ASCO Palliative and Supportive Care in Oncology Symposium

The poster title "Switching endocrine therapy in breast cancer is an effective strategy to alleviate musculoskeletal symptoms and improve tolerance and adherence". The project looked at switching endocrine therapy in breast cancer survivors to determine if another medication was better tolerated and if this improved patient compliance with their therapy.

The poster was selected at the annual ASCO meeting to be presented at this conference. The Palliative Care in Oncology Symposium provides information that is vital to the entire cancer care continuum, from research regarding biologic mechanisms of symptoms to caring for patients’ psychosocial and spiritual needs during cancer treatment and at end of life.

Other collaborators on this poster include: Albina Kibirova, MD (one of our 3rd year fellows) and Mohamad A Salkeni, MD.

Bob Huggins Annual Fish Fry Fundraiser - February 1, 2019 at Mylan Park

Tickets on sale now for the Bob Huggins Annual Fish Fry, February 1, 2019 at Mylan Park. Doors open at 5:30. A few sponsorship tables remain - contact Scarlett Schneider at scarlett.schneider@hsc.wvu.edu or 304-293-7732.

HealthWorks hosts cycling event to benefit Bonnie’s Bus

Development staff with Healthworks representatives holding a big check with 1660.00 on it for Bonnie's Bus.
HealthWorks Rehab and Fitness
hosted a cycling event on October 1, benefiting Bonnie’s Bus of the Cancer Institute at West Virginia University.
The 8-hour event, which took place in the main lobby of HealthWorks, included more than 25 individuals taking shifts throughout the day, resulting in a check of more than $1,000 to benefit the mobile mammography unit.

Family Hosts a "Big Breakfast" to benefit Huggins 800 club

Michael Funkhouser and his Family recently hosted a local fundraiser in memory of his parents. The third annual Red & Cookie’s Big Breakfast on October 27th raised funds for the 800 Club benefiting Norma Mae Huggins Cancer Fund.

High School Fundraiser to Honor Teacher, Benefit WVU Cancer Institute

A large group of Buckhannon Upshur students seated and standing with a big check made out to Betty Puskar Breast Care Center for $16,000.

Students at Buckhannon-Upshur High School recently raised $16,000 to honor a beloved teacher who is battling breast cancer.

The funds raised will benefit the Betty Puskar Breast Care Center at the West Virginia University Cancer Institute, where teacher Tappan Squires is currently a patient.

Throughout the month of October, students sold pink shirts and sought support from community partners.

“All I can say is thanks,” said Squires. “It’s from the bottom of my heart. I want to honor all breast cancer survivors and those who did not make it.”

The WVU Cancer Institute welcomes membership applications from all faculty who have cancer-related research interests

The missions of the WVU Cancer Institute (WVUCI) are to provide excellent care to cancer patients and their families while strengthening our research, education, and service programs to address the cancer health disparities unique to the state of West Virginia and Appalachia.

There are currently 88 approved membership applications

WVU Cancer Institute studies new treatment for colorectal cancer using novel drug combination - West Virginia Executive Magazine

WVU Medicine celebrates one million outpatient visits - WVU Medicine Cabinet

WVU study shows promise at slowing the progression of colorectal cancer - Beckley Herald Register

WVU in the News: For Healthy Patients, Train Healthy Doctors - Clay Marsh - OP-Med

Conditional knockout of SHP2 in ErbB2 transgenic mice or inhibition in HER2-amplified breast cancer cell lines blocks oncogene expression and tumorigenesis.
Zhao H, Martin E, Matalkah F, Shah N, Ivanov AV, Ruppert JM, Lockman PR, Agazie YM.
Oncogene. 2018.

ADP-Ribosylation Factor-Like 2 (ARL2) regulates cilia stability and development of outer segments in rod photoreceptor neurons.
Wright ZC, Loskutov YV, Murphy D, Stoilov P, Pugacheva EN, Goldberg AFX, Ramamurthy V.
Sci Rep. 2018;8(1):16967.

NIH Notices
Notice of Fiscal Policies in Effect for FY 2019

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Stipends, Tuition/Fees and Other Budgetary Levels Effective for Fiscal Year 2019

Coming Soon: Grants Using Data Analytics to Support Chronic Disease Prevention and Management by Engaging Patient Navigators to Improve Population Health

NIH Requests for Applications
Short Courses on Innovative Methodologies and Approaches in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

NIH Program Announcements
Leveraging Health Information Technology (Health IT) to Address Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (Parent K01 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)

Independent Scientist Award (Parent K02 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)

Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (Parent K08 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)

Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (Parent K23 Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)

Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (Parent K24 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)

Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award (Parent K25 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)

NIH Research Project Grant (Parent R01 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)

NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)

Other Funding or Opportunities

In an effort to streamline human subject research submissions and reduce the burden on investigators and staff at WVU, the WVU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)  has implemented a new submission/review process for non-federally funded, minimal risk IRB submissions.  This new review type called the “WVU Flex Model” or “Flex” is specifically designed to be a shorter, faster submission in WVU+kc.

WE ARE NOW PILOTING FLEX IN WVU+kc.  Please reach out to your users and encourage them to try Flex and submit their feedback after its use. User feedback received during this pilot phase will be used to enhance the final Flex product.


For more details about the Flex Model including the pre-release application, guidance, consent template, and voluntary survey, please go to WVU Flex Model at https://oric.research.wvu.edu/services/human-subjects/irb-checklists-guidance for more information.

WVU Research Development announces DoE EPSCoR Program competition

The DoE announced a new EPSCoR competition. This is an excellent opportunity for our faculty engaged in any energy-related field.  Specific thrusts are detailed in the full soliciatation.

Pre-applications are due on December 20th by 5PM. Faculty will be submitting via the DoE PAMS system. The Research Office and OSP are available for support.

Budgets are not required at the pre-application phase. If a team is invited to submit for the full application the due date is in March.

In an Open Mike blog post released yesterday, NIH announced new funding opportunities, designated as “Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required” for studies the agency suggests meet the definition of basic research and also the NIH definition of clinical trials. These include NIH Research Project Grant (Parent R01 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) PA-19-091 and NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) PA-19-092.

Learn about IRB process at upcoming Clinical Trials Toolkit session (NOTE ROOM NUMBER UPDATE)
WVCTSI’s Clinical Trials Toolkit Series will continue with a session on December 7. In the next entry in this series, Sarah Stutler, MBA, CCRP, senior IRB coordinator with the WVU Office of Research Integrity and Compliance, will present “Research Roadmap – Navigating the CIRB Process.”

This event will take place Friday, December 7 from 12 to 1 p.m. in room G119A of the WVU Health Sciences Center North Building. Remote connection via Zoom available. CE/CME credit is being offered for the session. Please direct any questions to Renice Gray at Renice.Gray@hsc.wvu.eduRSVP here.

Learn how to commercialize your research at upcoming FACTS session
The Females Advancing Clinical and Translational Science (FACTS) group will host the final entry in the Fall Facts Series on December 10. In this session, Erienne Olesh, Ph.D., associate director of the WVU Health Sciences Innovation Center, will present, “Commercializing Your Research: How to Find Additional Funding Through Industry Partners.”

This event will take place Monday, December 10 from 12 to 1 p.m. in room 201 of the WVU Health Sciences Center Erma Byrd Biomedical Research Building. Remote connection via Zoom available. RSVP here.

Clinical Trials Toolkit on TriNetX available to view on YouTube
The third session of the 2018 Clinical Trials Toolkit Series is now available to view on the WVCTSI YouTube Channel. In “Electronic Health Information for Retrospective Research and Cohort Feasibility using TriNetx,” Emily Morgan, MPH, WVCTSI clinical services integration coordinator, provides a detailed walkthrough of the TriNetX platform.

Jan 13

Save The Date for Annual WVUCI Holiday Celebration - 2-5 p.m., Lakehouse on the Cheat Restaurant

Feb 1

Annual Bob Huggins Fish Fry

Feb 13-15

22nd Annual TRCCC Meeting: Immunotherapy: The Force Awakens in Seven Spring Mountain Resort, Room Deadline Jan. 19. Details on TRCCC website

Feb 19-22

The Bodice Project Art Exhibit

Mar 21-22

Van Liere Research Conference

See more on the WVU Cancer Institute Calendar