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Logo of the WVU Cancer Institute.
Upcoming Events week of Dec. 17 - Jan. 6

Dec. 18

Search WVU Flow Cytometry & Single Cell Core Facility Sponsored Seminar - 10 a.m., 2157 HSCN

Cytek Aurora: Setting the Standard for High Sensitivity Full Spectrum Cytometry

Dec 24.

Clinic closing at 12 p.m. Christmas Eve

Closed Christmas Day

Dec. 31

Clinic closing at 2 p.m New Year's Eve

Closed New Year's Day

Wu Named Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate Analytics

Nianqiang (Nick) Wu, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at West Virginia University, was named to Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher list for 2018.

(Wu is a member in the WVU Cancer Institute)

WVUCI In the News:

WVU Cancer Institute plays crucial role in new cancer drug targeted to genetic mutation - WBOY

Dr. Patrick Ma
Related article from NBCnews

Bob Huggins Annual Fish Fry Fundraiser - February 1, 2019 at Mylan Park

Fish Fry 2019 at Mylan Park. Feb, 1, 2019 at 5:30p.m. Tickets $120.

Tickets on sale now for the Bob Huggins Annual Fish Fry, February 1, 2019 at Mylan Park. Doors open at 5:30. A few sponsorship tables remain - contact Scarlett Schneider at scarlett.schneider@hsc.wvu.edu or 304-293-7732.

Lung Cancer Screening Program detects early stage lung cancer

Graphic of a bronchus and lungs witht the words: Screenings for current and former smokers
The WVU Cancer Institute’s Lung Cancer Screening Program provides eligible high-risk patients with a low-dose CT (LDCT) to detect lung cancer at its earliest stages. It also provides a tobacco cessation clinic.

Physicians or patients can schedule an appointment by calling 304-598-4500. All inquiries will be received by the program’s nurse navigator, who will call the patient to schedule an appointment and re-confirm eligibility.

For more information, contact Marquis Demniak, nurse practitioner, at 304-598-4882 or marquis.demniak@hsc.wvu.edu

2018 Cancer Burden Report Released

WVU Cancer Institute's Cancer Prevention and Control, in collaboration with the West Virginia Cancer Registry, has released the 2018 Cancer Burden Report. The report provides updated statewide, age-adjusted incidence rates and counts for cancer diagnosed among West Virginia residents from 2011 to 2015.

In addition to the usual updates on incidence and mortality, this year’s edition also includes highlighted cancers – breast, cervical, lung, colorectal (also known as colon and rectum), HPV-associated cancers, and new sections on obesity-related cancers and tobacco use. There are summaries, one-page infographics, and WV resource pages to address these cancers, as well as a Frequently Asked Questions section.

The report is available at the WV Cancer Registry website

NCI cuts programs by 5% and non-competing renewals by 3% to maintain paylines in fiscal 2019 - The Cancer Letter

NCI is cutting the budgets of divisions, offices, and centers within the institute by 5 percent to maintain funding for its Research Project Grant pool, which funds a broad range of basic research, as well as clinical trials and health services research.

Instructions for accessing The Cancer Letter from inside WVU network

The Cancer Letter

The WVU Cancer Institute welcomes membership applications from all faculty who have cancer-related research interests

The missions of the WVU Cancer Institute (WVUCI) are to provide excellent care to cancer patients and their families while strengthening our research, education, and service programs to address the cancer health disparities unique to the state of West Virginia and Appalachia.

There are currently 90 approved membership applications


Three Cancer Prevention And Control Employees Retire With More Than Seventy Years Of Collective Service To WVU

Jim Keresztury, MBA, MSW and Rita Kuis. (Not pictured: Thelma Workman who was unable to attend the staff meeting.)

WVU Cancer Institute - Cancer Prevention and Control (CPC) is celebrating more than the holidays this December. With bittersweet sentiments, CPC congratulates three employees on their retirement at the end of this year. “It is difficult to see you leave us but we appreciate your service and are excited for this new chapter in your life,” says CPC Director Dr. Stephenie Kennedy to each of the three staff members.

The next WVU Cancer Institute eNews will come out January 7. Enjoy your holidays. If you would like to get an item into the eNews you can send those to wvucancer@hsc.wvu.edu

South Jersey alumni share 'sleigh' to deliver gifts to West Virginia for kids with cancer - Cherry Hill Courier Post

Permeability changes and effect of chemotherapy in brain adjacent to tumor in an experimental model of metastatic brain tumor from breast cancer.
Mohammad AS, Adkins CE, Shah N, Aljammal R, Griffith JIG, Tallman RM, Jarrell KL, Lockman PR.
BMC Cancer. 2018;18(1):1225.

NIH Notices
Notice of Interest in Long-term Maintenance of Behavior Change Research

Notice of Intent to Publish Funding Opportunity Announcements for Research to Develop, Demonstrate, and Validate Experimental Human Tissue Models that Do Not Rely on Human Fetal Tissue

NHLBI Accepts Only Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial Applications Proposing Mechanistic Studies and Basic Experimental Studies Involving Humans (BESH) in Response to the NIH Parent R01 Clinical Trial Required Announcement

NHLBI accepts investigator-initiated basic experimental studies involving humans (BESH) that meet NIHs definition of a clinical trial only in response to PA-18-345 NIH Research Project Grant (Parent R01 Clinical Trial Required)

Reinstatement of NIH SBIR Direct-to-Phase II Authority and Associated Updates to PA-18-705

NIH Requests for Applications
HEAL Initiative: Pragmatic and Implementation Studies for the Management of Pain to Reduce Opioid Prescribing (PRISM) (UG3/UH3, Clinical Trials Optional)

HEAL Initiative: Translational Development of Devices to Treat Pain (U18 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

NIH Program Announcements
Physical Sciences-Oncology Network (PS-ON): Physical Sciences-Oncology Projects (PS-OP) (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)

Other Funding or Opportunities

Clinical Trials Toolkit on IRB process available to view online
The final session of the 2018 Clinical Trials Toolkit Series is now available to view on the WVCTSI YouTube Channel. In “Research Roadmap: Navigating the CIRB Process,” Sarah Stutler, MBA, CCRP, provides a detailed walkthrough of the Central Institutional Review Board Workflow process.

Undergraduate Summer Research Opportunity at WVU Cancer Institute

The WVU Cancer Institute offers undergraduate research fellowship opportunities every summer in clinical and basic cancer research. The highly competitive program provides funding and opportunities for students who want to pursue careers in cancer research. 

This year’s summer program will start on Monday, May 20th, 2019 and continue for 10 weeks. Fellows are required to prepare a poster and present the results of their summer research project at a research symposium held on the last day of the experience, Monday, July 29th, 2019.The application deadline is March 1, 2019. You will be notified of your status by March 18, 2019.

Jan 9

Cancer Cell Biology Presents Siva Kumar Kolluri, PhD - 12:00-1:00 Room 2157 HSN

Jan 11

-Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center

"Melanoma after PD-1: where do we go from here?" 12:00-1:00 PM G119 Health Sciences North

Jan 13

Annual WVUCI Holiday Celebration - 2-5 p.m., Lakehouse on the Cheat Restaurant - RSVP to tlankford@hsc.wvu.edu

Jan 16

12:00 PM 2157 HSN

“Biologic confirmation of the accuracy of tumor p02 imaging with pulse EPR imaging” 12:00 PM 2157 HSN

Jan 17

Panelists Dinty W. Moore, Erin Murphy, Renee Nicholson, Mark Brazaitis, and Matt Smith will discuss their collective work, Bodies of Truth and narratives that patients, doctors, nurses, and medical professionals weave into health care.

Jan 20

Cradles for Cancer Pink Match - WVU Wrestling team takes on Iowa State at 1 p.m. in the WVU Wrestling Pavilion

Jan 23

"Switching OFF Cohesive Cancer Invasion" 12:00-1:00 2157 Health Sciences North

Jan 30

“Novel Functions of 11q13 Transcripts in Invasive Late Stage Appalachian Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma” 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 201 Erma Byrd

Feb 1

Annual Bob Huggins Fish Fry

Feb 13-15

22nd Annual TRCCC Meeting: Immunotherapy: The Force Awakens in Seven Spring Mountain Resort, Room Deadline Jan. 19. Details on TRCCC website

Feb 19-22

The Bodice Project Art Exhibit

Mar 21-22

Van Liere Research Conference

Apr 26-27

Annual Spring Gala

See more on the WVU Cancer Institute Calendar