Upcoming Events week of June 4 - June 10 |
Jun 8
American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Monongalia County – begins at 7:00 p.m. and continues until June 9 at 7:00 a.m., Westwood Middle School track, 670 River Rd, Morgantown
Join the WVU Cancer Institute Cancer Crushers team by contacting team captains Jessica Grimm or Kylie Knisell
To support fundraising efforts of the Cancer Institute graduate student team “Mad Scientists,” contact co-captains Jessica Allen at jcallen@mix.wvu.edu or Kristina Marinak at kmmarinak@mix.wvu.edu |
Betty Puskar honored at WVU Cancer Institute Gala

Friends and family members of Betty Puskar, founder of the Betty Puskar Breast Care Center at WVU, are featured in a new video that serves as a tribute to the Morgantown philanthropist. The video debuted at the WVU Cancer Institute's 33rd Annual Spring Gala, where Puskar was honored as the first recipient of the Betty Puskar Winged Victory Award, which will be given annually to an individual who displays great advocacy for cancer awareness and supports the enhancement of cancer care in West Virginia and families in need during treatment.
School of Pharmacy announces changes to its leadership team

Dr. Paul Lockman has been appointed the position of senior associate dean for research and strategic initiatives in addition to Mylan Endowed Chair of Pharmacology, while Dr. Mary Stamatakis has been appointed to senior associate dean of academic affairs and educational innovation. Dr. Lockman is also associate director for translational research at the WVU Cancer Institute.
Min Deng featured in new video on sunscreen

Dr. Min Deng of the WVU Cancer Institute stresses the importance of using sunscreen to prevent skin cancer and explains the best type of sunscreen to use when you are out in the sun.
W & J undergraduate students engage in cancer research at WVU

Two undergraduate students from Washington and Jefferson College in Washington, PA, are spending their summer engaged in cancer research at WVU. Ian Leighton is working alongside Steven Frisch, Ph.D., at the Cancer Institute. Leighton is investigating the mechanisms by which certain tumors become resistant to immune attack, thereby circumventing immunotherapy.

Rebekah Aello is working with Lori Hazlehurst, Ph.D., in the Erma Byrd Biomedical Research Building to gain a better understanding of the genetic drivers of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Her project focuses on a specific mutation in a tumor suppressor gene prevalent in AML patients from West Virginia. Understanding the underlying genetics of AML in patients from WV may lead to the development of personalized treatment strategies that are better tolerated and more effective.
WVU Cancer Institute researcher developing genetic test for lung cancer treatment

Research underway at the West Virginia University Cancer Institute may help to improve the outcomes of lung cancer patients and better guide the physicians who treat them. A project led by Lan Guo, Ph.D., professor in the WVU School of Public Health Department of Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences, seeks to develop a genetic test to help physicians determine which lung cancer patients, who were initially treated with surgery, will benefit from chemotherapy or immunotherapy.
Lori Hazlehurst, Ph.D. to participate in National Science Foundation’s I-Corps™ Course

Lori Hazlehurst, Ph.D., professor of pharmaceutical sciences at WVU and co-leader of the WVU Cancer Institute Alexander B. Osborn Hematopoietic Malignancy and Transplantation Program will participate in the National Science Foundation’s I-Corps™ NIH Course in San Diego, CA, later this month. Dr. Hazlehurst is also president of Modulation Therapeutics, the startup company that she and Mark McLaughlin, fellow professor of pharmaceutical sciences, co-founded to move effective treatments from the lab to clinical trials. While representing Modulation Therapeutics at I-Corps™, Hazlehurst will learn how to interview strategic pharma partners to determine what kind of technologies and partnerships interest them. She will also interview clinicians to determine whether her company’s technologies are a good fit for what they think will improve patient outcomes. Modulation Therapeutics is developing two novel therapeutics for treatment of relapsed multiple myeloma (MTI-101) and melanoma (MTI-202).
Richard Funnell and Carl Schmidt featured in AACI Update
The June 2018 issue of AACI Update includes features on two recent WVU Cancer Institute recruits – Richard Funnell, who is vice president of cancer services, and Carl Schmidt, M.D., who will serve as chief of Surgical Oncology and surgeon in chief.
The WVU Cancer Institute Employee Recognition Awards Committee is now accepting nominations for its annual Employee Recognition Awards Program. If you would like to nominate and recognize excellence amongst our faculty, members, staff, employees and Cancer Service Line staff members who devote their professional lives to cancer prevention, care or research in any and all capacities, please use this easy online nomination form. It has been revised to make it easier to nominate and recognize excellence in our colleagues.
This year a new Team award has been created to recognize a team of 3 or more individuals who demonstrate our values of collaboration, innovation, accountability and service to others.
Nomination applications must be submitted by July 15, 2018. The review committee will be comprised of last year’s awardees. Award recipients will be notified in late early summer, 2018. The celebration honoring the recipients will be held during a Tea Time in the Cancer Institute.
Awards will be given in the following categories of excellence in any of our guiding principles:
Increased Phenacetin Oxidation upon the L382V Substitution in Cytochrome P450 1A2 is associated with altered substrate binding orientation.
Huang Q, Szklarz GD.
Int J Mol Sci. 2018;19(6).
Phase 3 results for vosaroxin/cytarabine in the subset of patients >/=60 years old with refractory/early relapsed acute myeloid leukemia.
Ravandi F, Ritchie EK, Sayar H, Lancet JE, Craig M, Vey N, Strickland SA, Schiller GJ, Jabbour E, Pigneux A, Horst HA, Recher C, Klimek VM, Cortes JE, Carella AM, Egyed M, Krug U, Fox JA, Craig AR, Ward R, Smith JA, Acton G, Kantarjian HM, Stuart RK.
Haematologica. 2018. |
NIH Notices
None this week
NIH Requests for Applications
None this week
NIH Program Announcements
None this week
Other Funding or Opportunities
DoD Prostate Cancer, Early Investigator Award
Upcoming Deadline: Pre-Application: August 16, 2018; Application: September 6, 2018
The Early Investigator Research Award supports prostate cancer-focused research opportunities for individuals in the early stages of their careers, under the guidance of one or more designated Mentors. This opportunity allows for early career investigators to develop a research project, investigate a problem or question in prostate cancer research, and further their intellectual development as a prostate cancer researcher of the future.
DoD Prostate Cancer, Impact Award
Upcoming Deadline: Pre-Application: July, 19, 2018; Application (Invitation only): October 18, 2018
The Impact Award supports research projects that have the strong potential to make a major impact on scientific and clinical prostate cancer issues, and ultimately make major advances toward eliminating death from prostate cancer and enhancing the well-being of Service members, Veterans, and all men experiencing the impact of the disease.
DoD Prostate Cancer, Idea Development Award
Upcoming Deadline: Pre-Application: July 6, 2018 Application (Invitation only): Sept. 27, 2018
The Idea Development Award is intended to support new ideas that represent innovative approaches to prostate cancer research and have the potential to make an important contribution to the PCRP mission. The key components of this award mechanism are: Innovation, Impact, Preliminary Data.
DoD Prostate Cancer, Physician Research Award
Upcoming Deadline: Pre-Application: August 16, 2018; Application: September 6, 2018
The Physician Research Award supports a mentored research experience to prepare physicians with clinical duties and/or responsibilities for productive careers in prostate cancer research. The mentored physician is considered the Principal Investigator (PI) of the application. This award emphasizes equally the quality of the proposed research project and the career development of the PI, which should prepare physicians for careers in basic, population science, translational, or clinical prostate cancer research.
Janelia Research/HHMI is offering an opportunity to access to microscopes in their Advanced Imaging Center (AIC). You can apply at https://www.aicjanelia.org/, and if selected, lodging and basic experimental costs are covered (see additional details below). Proposals are due June 15th, 2018. Please consider and share with your networks.
Clinical trial data workshop available to view on YouTube
The first session of WVCTSI’s Clinical Trials Toolkit Series is now available to view on the
WVCTSI YouTube channel. In “Clinical Trial Data: Good Documentation Practices,” Tanya Moran, MS, WVCTSI senior quality assurance and auditing manager and Shelley Welch, RN, MSHS, CCRC, WVCTSI clinical research services manager, provide an overview of regulatory requirements, good documentation practices, and WVCTSI Clinical Trials services.
Bioinformatics Workshop offered July 16-July 27
A Bioinformatics Workshop scheduled for July 16-July 27 has openings for students, faculty, and staff. As in last year it will take 10 consecutive work days from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The workshop will cover basic unix/linux skills, introduction to R and gene expression analysis from RNA-Seq data. The workshop is set at beginner level and does not require previous experience in programming. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Peter Stoilov. |
Jun 24-26
National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE) – Wardman Park Marriott in Washington, D.C. |
Jun 30
last day to make a gift to 2018 Gold Blue & You – brochures available next to the Cancer Institute infostation on the first floor and in the MBRCC workrooms
Make a gift online
Sign Up for Payroll Deduction |
Jul 11-12
10th Annual AACI Clinical Research Initiative Meeting – Loews Chicago O’Hare Hotel
More information and to register online.
Questions? Contact Jaime Anderson at jaime@aaci-cancer.org |
Jul 30
Summer Undergraduate Cancer Research Fellowship Program Poster Presentation – 2-4 p.m., HSC IPE Room 2940 |
Aug 3
WVU Cancer Institute 4th Annual Breast Cancer Conference
Erickson Alumni Center |
Sept 4
Annual DeLynn Lecture - 4-5 p.m., Fukushima Auditorium
Maura L. Gillison, MD, PhD of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX |
Sept 10
The Pink Party 5:30-9 p.m., Bartini’s, Morgantown
This event benefits Bonnie’s Bus. |
Sept 14
Research Induction Ceremony (for PhD and MD/PhD students) – 4:00 p.m., Okey Patteson Auditorium |
Sept 20- Oct 2
AACI/CCAF Annual Meeting – Loews Chicago Downtown Hotel
Details, including electronic registration
Reserve your hotel room at the Loews Downtown Chicago Hotel
To check the status of a registration, login to your AACI Portal account |
Oct 5
Huggins Practice, Pictures and Picnic – WVU Basketball Practice Facility (Huggins 800 Club members only) |
Oct 12
Fall Cancer Conference – Erickson Alumni Center |
Oct 14
Health Care for All Community Forum – 2-4 p.m., Women’s Club of Charleston |
Oct 18
Cancer Center Annual Retreat – 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Erickson Alumni Center
Ribbon cutting at WVU Cancer Institute – 2:30-4 p.m., MBRCC atrium
Hardesty Lecture featuring NCI Director Dr. Norman “Ned” Sharpless – 4:00 p.m., Okey Patteson, reception in Pylons lobby at 5:00 p.m. |
Nov 2
Lung Cancer Conference – Erickson Alumni Center
(sponsored by WVU Cancer Institute Bridge Program) |
See more on the WVU Cancer Institute Calendar |